Myers Steel Works had the privilege and honor to design and build a memorial plaque for our men and women in blue that have lost their lives in the line of duty.
“In memory of the troopers who gave their lives in the line of duty. “.. if need be, lay down my life as others have done before me.”
The Pennsylvania State police have had a long history of protecting and serving the people of Pennsylvania. Throughout the years there have been men and women who have unfortunately lost their lives. The Pennsylvania State police had an area in front of their headquarters that had bare space. The final decision was to create a memorial to honor the men and women who died in the line of duty. Hot dip galvanizing was chosen to protect the framework because of the coating performance and strong durability. The memorial sign need a quick turnaround and hot dip galvanizing gave the fabricator and the owners the flexibility to provide a corrosion protection system in a timely manner. Both the fabricator and galvanizer were proud to donate their time and services on this project.