In the same spot where there was once Raleigh Springs Mall, crews are hard at work on the roughly $40 million Raleigh Springs Town Center. The development has an 11-acre pond that also serves as a detention basin to help surrounding neighborhoods that usually flood, a skate park they hope will attract people from all over the city, green space and walking trails. The skatepark is intended to be the centerpiece of community town center for all to gather safely. After several construction delays due to COVID, the skate park was able to open in Fall 2020.
This site was originally The Raleigh Springs Mall. The mall closed in 2011. In 2016, the city of Memphis purchased the property to create the Raleigh Springs Town Center that would feature this skate park along with a library, a traffic precinct, a police precinct, a pond and a one mile walking trail.
“The skate park has opened, and they are planning world-class skating exhibition events out there once we get past COVID,” - - Tom Marshall, CEO of Memphis-based OT Marshall Architects

Greenwald builders was the fabricator/GC that was selected to build the Skate Park. The 18,000 SF concrete skateboard park was build using mostly concrete, but the guardrail was built out of carbon steel pipe. The obvious solution for a coating on the steel was HDG. These rails will be hit by skate boards and other hard objects and will hold up better to other environmental factors than any paint products. The need for a durable coating to ensure long lasting protection for the steel and for the community made all the difference.