This project in McGehee, AR features a total of 5 grain storage bins and 1 load-out hopper tank. The components for this project were all manufactured by American Grain Systems and were hot dip galvanized in order to provide maximum corrosion resistance in the harsh climate.
This is a really unique project that started out as American Grain trying to help the customer figure out how to load and unload a semi-circle of bins quickly as well as add more storage. It involves a 120,000 bushel AGI-MFS AgComm bin, a 10,000 bushel per hour AGI-Hutchinson Master Mover that acts as an unload for the bin as well as pits for trucks, a 12” Hutchinson double-run grain pump with a custom undercarriage that both loads and unloads bins, and a second double-run grain pump that acts as a top-filler conveyor for the new storage bin and a truck load-out conveyor, and a lot of custom built structure and access components.

The farm's owner is familiar with hot dip galvanizing and insisted that all the components of the new system be coated in zinc in order to save them time and money now and in the future.
The owner and fabricators were very satisfied with the end results and can rest easy knowing that the large investment in equipment will be with them for a long time thanks to hot dip galvanizing.